Q: How can I place an order?
A: Select a category from the drop-down menu, browse for an item you like, and select it. You will be redirected to the product page, where you will need to select a color, size, and custom color requirements if needed.
Q: I would like to cancel my order.
A: All cancellations should be done within 24 hours to ensure a full refund is available. Beyond the 24-hour time limit, a fee equivalent to 20% of the order's cost will apply to cancellations, even if the order has not been shipped. Orders that have already shipped cannot be cancelled and will be treated as returns.
Q: Can I order by calling the service number?
A: Sorry, currently we are not able to take your order by telephone. However, we are working hard on bringing you this feature.
Q: What does "Tell Us Your Requirements" mean?
A: If you need to change the color, add a logo, add clothes, or have any other specific requirements, you can let us know. Please send your requirements to our email: sale@shoppajama.com.